The Honor Society Of Phi Kappa Phi
We achieved the Circle of Excellence Gold Award for 2024-2025!
Congratulations! The Circle of Excellence Award Program recognizes chapters for their work in promoting excellence at their institutions and engaging the community of scholars each year. This accomplishment was only made possible due to the efforts of dedicated chapter officers! We are extremely grateful for all of those on our team.
Congratulations to the winners of the 2025 Phi Kappa Phi Pie Raffle!
Congratulations! The Florida Tech Chapter raised $130 for Family Partnerships of Central Florida. The winners of the pies were Jason Martin, Ralph Turingan, and Mitchell Rivers. Thank you for a successful PKP Week fundraiser!
Our chapter won the Fall 2024 Service Project Gold Award!
The Florida Tech Chapter raised money for the Children's Hunger Project during the Fall 2024 semester with the Pie a Professor fundraiser. For more information, visit the news website here.
The Climate Reality Project and Phi Kappa Phi panel discussion on sustainability
A recent Phi Kappa Phi Fall Project, The Climate and Sustainability Panel, was a very exciting panel discussion on the importance of sustainability and career opportunities within that realm. The panel featured Dr. Heike Naigur, Laura Betts, and Holly Lichtenfeld as well as members of the Florida Tech Chapter of PKP.
Become a student vice president
Congratulations on becoming a member of the Florida Tech Chapter of Phi Kappa Phi!
Our chapter’s goal is to engage our members by executing fun and exciting (though potentially still virtual) events. We are looking for team players who want to share this experience with us by volunteering with our Executive Committee. This will help you connect with a variety of academic disciplines at Florida Tech and gain valuable leadership skills.
The primary role of the Student Vice President (SVP) is to increase the visibility of the Phi Kappa Phi chapter on campus. Some duties include:
- Participating in chapter meetings (2-3 times a semester);
- Providing student input to the executive committee;
- Coordinating the Fall Service Project
If you will be around for at least the fall 2024 semester and are interested in becoming a Student Vice President please email expressing your interest and include a few sentences on why you think you would make a great SVP!
And make sure to follow us on social media!
As always, if you have any questions about Phi Kappa Phi membership or opportunities please feel free to reach out to me directly or the Executive Committee at
Congratulations new 2024 Phi Kappa Phi Members
The 2024 Phi Kappa Phi Initiation Ceremony was held in April 2024. We are proud of all of our members and would like to congratulate each of them. Congratulations!
Congratulations to our new Student Vice Presidents
We wholeheartedly welcome two new Student Vice Presidents to the Florida Institute of Technology Chapter of Phi Kappa Phi.
Alvaro Cameo is an Aerospace Engineering student. Alvero is an active student on the Florida Tech campus, participating in athletics, residence life, student government, and student research.
Rahi Kashikar is an Astrobiology student, a scholar with a focus on philanthropy and leadership on the Florida Tech campus. Please join us in welcoming our new SVPs.
Food for Thought
Food for Thought was a virtual event put on by the Florida Tech chapter of Phi Kappa Phi where we learned the science behind some basic cooking methods and how to apply them to help you cook everyday food in better, tastier ways.
During Food for Thought Angelica Zamora-Duran taught us via Zoom how to cook a delicious red sauce with pasta as well as two versions Brussel sprouts, one being roasted in the oven, and another on the stovetop. During this time she taught us all the science behind the process. Having several of us cooking along with her provided great camaraderie and a lot of fun. Thank you, Angelica!
Florida Tech PKP Chapter hosted Animal Talks!
In celebration of Phi Kappa Phi Week, the Florida Tech chapter of PKP put on a TED-inspired presentation featuring dynamic professors presenting exciting 15-minute talks about their work with animals, punctuated by bombastic big band style jazz music, and hosted by a Master of Ceremonies. The event was held at Gleason Auditorium on the campus of Florida Tech. You can watch a recording of the event.
Florida Tech PKP Chapter achieves Gold Status
The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi has recognized Florida Tech's chapter for achieving the Circle of Excellence Gold Status for 2023-24. The Circle of Excellence Award Program recognizes chapters for their work in promoting excellence on the local campus and engaging the community of scholars each year. This award comes with a $200 cash award and a letter from Executive Director Dr. Mary Todd. Congratulations everyone!
The mission of The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi is to recognize and promote academic excellence in all fields of higher education.
About Phi Kappa Phi
Founded in 1897 at the University of Maine, Phi Kappa Phi is the nation's oldest, largest, and most selective honor society for all academic disciplines. Its chapters are on more than 300 campuses in the United States, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines. Each year, approximately 30,000 members are initiated.
Since its founding, Phi Kappa Phi has initiated more than 1 million members into its ranks; all of these members have received emblems and certificates of membership. However, Phi Kappa Phi is much more than an emblem and a line on a résumé. It is a global network comprised of the best and brightest from all academic disciplines-a community of scholars and professionals building an enduring legacy for future generations.
No other honor society awards as much to as many as does Phi Kappa Phi. The Society has awarded approximately $12.7 million since the inception of its awards program in 1932. Today, more than $800,000 is awarded annually to qualifying members and non-members through PKP Fellowships, undergraduate Study Abroad Scholarships, Love of Learning Awards, Emerging Scholar Awards, member and chapter awards, and grants for local and national literacy initiatives. For more information about awards, please visit the PKP website at
In April of 2010, the Florida Tech Chapter awarded its first Scholars Award to Caroline Penteado, a junior majoring in mechanical engineering. The purpose of this $1,000.00 award is to recognize an outstanding new member of the Florida Tech Chapter of Phi Kappa Phi. Eligibility is limited to those who have accepted membership and joined the Society online by the annual deadline.
Florida Tech's PKP Chapter received a Chapter of Merit Award with an accompanying check at the annual awards banquet in Kansas City, Missouri, August, 2010. The purpose of this award is to recognize outstanding chapters that have been active, met certain criteria, and have filed complied with PKP documentation requirements in a timely manner.